5 DIY clothing hacks to make your wardrobe prettier! – Wedamor

We all know the struggle of never having enough clothes in our wardrobe, no matter the amount of shopping we go through. But here is the good news: You know all the clothes that are stuffed in the back of your closet that for some reason you haven’t thrown out, well, you can find several ways to reuse them and make them pretty and wearable!

Keep reading to know 5 simple clothing hacks:

5 DIY clothing hacks to make your wardrobe prettier:

1) T-shirt to a crop top

Let’s begin with the easiest hack there is: Turn any old Tshirt into a cute crop top!

What you’ll need:

1) That old, plain and boring T-shirt form the far end of your wardrobe. One that has more volume is preferred.

2) A pair of scissors

Start by deciding how much length you’re willing to cut loose. Don’t go over-the-top with it because it’s always going to look a bit shorter than how you were picturing it. Start by cutting out the back fabric half-ways, as shown in the picture. The one in the front has to be cut in a slanting way so as to create a knot and viola!  You can go ahead and cut out the sleeves too but this is optional. You have yourself a brand new top that you can actually wear outside!

Clothing hacks

Source: Pinterest

2) A fringe top!

Fringes are a trendy look this summer! You can create your own at home without having to spend any bucks. Keep on reading to know how to create this easy-peasy clothing hack…

What you’ll need:

1) A normal tshirt or a ganji top

2) A pair of scissors

3) A ruler

Start by drawing a light line on the lower half of the tshirt with a ruler. Next, cut out fringes easily with a help of scissors towards the line that you drew. Once that is done, all there’s left to do is to tie knots at specific intervals. Keep in mind to do this step with a certain level of neatness so it doesn’t come out to look messy. Pair your new trendy top with some denims and step out!

Clothing hacks

Source: mojo daily bruin

3) Give life to those plain old jeans!

If you’re someone like me who possesses a lot of jeans half of which are just not the perfect fit from top to bottom, or if you’re just bored of a particular one, don’t throw it away! You can easily cut them out to turn them into shorts and make it look perfect by securing the loose ends with needles or safety pins.

Another thing you can do is turning them into a sassy pair of ripped jeans. Just decide the patch you want to experiment in, take some scissors out and cut the necessary amount. It is important to keep in mind here that it’s not necessary to be clean and uniform here. Let it get a little messy and keep some threads loose to have the desired results.

Clothing hacks

Source: pinterest

Here’s how you can add a little sparkle to those boring jeans: Start by cuffing your jeans and securing them with needles or safety pins, and finally add some studs either in a particular pattern or a random order.

Clothing hacks

source: pinterest

4) T-shirt bow

Add some charm to your tshirt with this cute little DIY; Here’s what you’ll need:

1) Any T-shirt

2) Scissors

3) Needle

4) Lace ribbon

Start by cutting out two small holes, placed horizontally and at an adequate distance from each other. Repeat this step 4 times on enough distance. Once that is done, cut small parts of the lace ribbon and sew them on each part of the T-Shirt, as shown in the picture and you’re done! Take your time with the sewing so it all comes out very neatly and looks like you just got it from the store.

Clothing hacks

source: pinterest

5) Cold shoulder dress

Another one of my favorite clothing hacks: Cold shoulders are super trendy these days and the good news is they can be easily made from any plain dress or loose tshirt that you have that you have. All you have to do is rule out the measurements of the sleeve and cut an equal part on both sides, and voila!

Clothing hacks

Source: youtube

So here were some fun and easy DIY clothing hacks to make your wardrobe stand out from the rest. Which one’s our favorite? Comment down!




About the Author:

An Avid reader | overeater | A philosophy student from Delhi University, who loves the hills and all things green. Loves sketching when stressed | A little awkward at small talks but always up for rambling conversations.