7 Ways To Beat Stress Before Your Wedding Day – Wedamor

Wedding is not an easy task. You feel excited but at the same time you are stressed over the fact how is all gonna happen? To help you with that, we are here to give you 7 ways to beat stress before your wedding day:

wedding stress


Plan ahead

Wedding planning can not be done in one day. It requires every day preparation to get everything done smoothly. So planning things beforehand becomes important. Make sure you know how you want wedding, then only you are going to achieve that .

Beat stress


Eat healthy

You can not neglect this one. When you eat good, you feel good. It will not only make your skin glowing but will keep you fit also. Therefore, eating healthy makes sense. Healthy food is the best stress buster for you ladies.

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While you spend so much of your time planning and organising things, you need to take out some minutes to meditate to relax yourself from the hustle-bustle in your life. Do yoga or any exercise you like to make you feel relaxed.

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Delegate tasks

Believe it or not but you cannot do everything all alone. Yo definitely need to delegate work. Give the catering part to be done to someone ,entertainment department to someone else and decoration part to another person. This way, one person wont be overloaded with work and you also wont have stress.

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Sleep tight

After you work all day , its important that you take sound sleep of 8 hours to avoid any dark circles or tiredness on your face. Try to sleep at the same time at night and keep away all the electronic devices while you sleep.Sleep like a baby!

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Stop overthinking

Ladies, this is your enemy. So kill it. Overthinking and over analysing does nothing than to confuse you. It keeps you engaged all the time and you feel there is no free time left to work or plan things. So beware before its too late.


Take bubble bath

The warm water will definitely soothe the aches after all those hours of hard work. All you need to do is relax and let all your pains let go then and there.


Talk to your Best friend or loved ones

This is the best thing any bride-to-be should do. Talking to your bestie or the loved ones is the best therapy you need. They love you and understand you and will always be there when you are stressed. They will even help you out and make you forget stress by engaging you in gossips.

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So ladies,bid adieu to the stress with these stress bursting tips and live the present moment rather than worrying about the future. Relax and reflect!

