Must Have Guest Facilities At Your Wedding Venue – Wedamor

guest facilities

Months and months of preparations go on for the perfect dress for the bride, selecting the venue of the wedding, choosing the menu, and what not! Can you guess what makes your wedding the most memorable? Yes, the guests. They make sure to take time out of their busy schedules to be a part of your happy day. Therefore, it’s totally your responsibility to be a good host and take care of the guest facilities they might need at the venue. The rituals and partying sometimes stretches to hours and without these basic guest facilities, your guests might have to face some uneasy moments. So, here’s the checklist you need to take care of:

Parking Facilities

guest facilities

Out of all the guest facilities, you might prepare for, this one is probably the most important. Assure that your wedding venue has enough parking spaces for all your guests. Sometimes it happens that the venue itself is grand but latecomers have a hard time to park their cars in neighborhood areas. Therefore, check your guest list and the expected number of vehicles, and make arrangements accordingly.


guest facilities

Many of the open area wedding venues don’t have proper restrooms for the guests. For any venue, restrooms are a necessity. Don’t let your guests be uneasy the whole time. Make sure you arrange for proper and clean washrooms, separately for men and women.

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Kids Area

guest facilities

Why do we count it among guest facilities? Well, you will definitely don’t want your friends with children, to miss any of those special moments. So, make sure their children are safe and enjoying with other kids while their parents take part in your gala celebrations. Keep care-takers in the kids’ area to ensure that the kids are safe.

Nursing Room

guest facilities

If your wedding venue is not a hotel and you can’t provide rooms for everyone, at least assure there’s one for new mothers. It becomes difficult for the mothers to deal with their infants in the public. There should be a room for them where they can feed their children and rest in case the loud music outside is creating nuisances for the child.

Extra Vehicles

guest facilities

Even if most of your guests are arriving by themselves, there might be someone or the other who would appreciate your gesture of dropping them home as it gets difficult to arrange for a cab late at night. If you have enough family vehicles at the venue, keep some chauffeurs to take care of things so that your family members won’t have to miss out on any part of the celebrations.

Guest Rooms

guest facilities

If your wedding celebrations are going to continue whole night, you will need to arrange for a few guest rooms as well. Many of the extended family members stay till the end of the rituals. While you take care of other guest facilities, make sure you arrange rooms for them to take a power nap in the middle of the hullaballoo.

Recommended Read: Tips For Preparing Wedding Guest List

Sitting Arrangements

guest facilities

Even though the designers keep up your budget high, it is found that a good number of your guests are struggling to get a good comfortable seat. The dining part is the most difficult for situations like these. Along with sofas and chairs around the stage area, make sure to have enough tables and chairs for the guests to dine comfortably.

Location Signs

guest facilities

It happens time and again that the location of the venue is not well known by the people driving to the venue. At the night time, it gets more difficult to search for it. So, location signs must be put up from a known landmark nearby. You can also go fancy by putting up a string of lights to direct your guests to the venue.



About the Author:

A passionate writer | An intoxicated reader | A connoisseur of good food | Believes in leading an awe-inspiring life earned by self | Can go insane at times, because it’s fun | Life is a bliss | ~ An euphoric soul