Home » Things a Man Should Accomplish Before Getting Married! — Wedamor
Things a Man Should Accomplish Before Getting Married! – Wedamor

It is often said that marriage is a turning point in your life. Life before marriage is different as compared to life after marriage. There are tons of responsibilities that you have once you’re married (and shared happiness more than that) and this changes the way you live your life. Marriage changes a lot in the lives of both the man and the wife, both of them have different aims and goals to achieve before they get hitched. Not that it can’t be done after the wedding, but before plunging into the marital world, there are quite a few things that they want to achieve and quite rightly. Here we are looking at a list of things which a man should accomplish before tying the knot:
The first and the most important thing that a man should accomplish is a stable career. Marriage puts you in a position where you have fixed expenses each month. While as a bachelor you could survive on hand to mouth basis, married life cannot be led that way. Even though your partner is working and is going to share expenses, it’s not going to be an easy cup of tea to make a family. So, make sure that you’ve chosen your career path and are comfortably settled before you marry.
Own a House
No, it’s not because no one will marry you if you don’t own a house. But that’s always a kind of security you can look upon. When you were single, you could have managed in shared flats and even dormitories, but once you are married, you are a family. After your wedding, there would be many unforeseen expenditures which might always come up as a hurdle between you and a home you always wanted to own. So it’s better that a man should accomplish this before he starts a family.
Kick Off the Bad Habits
Partying, drinking and staying out late are all acceptable when you’re single. However, once you’re married, you have to think about your wife too and such rash behaviour is certainly not recommended. Though we are not asking you to completely stop having fun, but it is highly advised to sober down a little and manage yourself more maturely as you’re heading towards a new phase of life. Even if your to-be wife is also a party animal, you will both have to be more responsible once you start off a family. Also, you should quit smoking and too much drinking for the sake of your health and your family’s.
With marriage come a lot of expenses. Both husband and wife must be ready for some high-end expenses as starting a new life together do not come cheap. Moreover, you must have that dream honeymoon location in your mind for which you need money too. So, before you get married, make sure you’ve saved enough for a smooth running of your first phase. You can keep on saving for the later stages of your life.
A Wild Trip With Friends
Be it Goa, Thailand or Vegas (according to your budget), that one wild trip with only your guy friends is something that every man should accomplish. Once you’re married, it might become difficult for all the friends to get back together for this kind of a trip. So, our advice you to plan that one memorable bachelor’s trip before you tie the knot.
Take a Solo Trip
live alone, manage yourself and you’ll be surprised to see a whole new side of you. Such once in places, Once you’re married, you might not have the time to travel solo, you wouldn’t even like it then. Take some time off work and embark on a journey to no man’s land. Travel lifetime experiences are very important and a man should accomplish it before getting married.
Are there any other things that you think a man should accomplish before the start of his new life? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Till then, start ticking off the checklist before ‘Band Baaja Baraat!’