Amazing Ways to Replace the Old Ghodi Tradition – Wedamor

ghodi tradition

Since the time called ever, the perspective groom comes on a horse to carry away his bride. Ghodi tradition found its way into numerous songs and couplets for the same reason. However, with changing time, this tradition is becoming obsolete too. The legendary Ghodi tradition is now being replaced by cool, spicy ones. If you too want to ditch the ghodi, then here are some awesome ways for the groom to make a grand entry to the wedding:

Royal Entry on an Elephant

ghodi tradition

We are talking about an elephant here, so it’s definitely going to be grand. Besides, elephants are such sweet and royal creatures that they will add a dash of royal charm to your wedding. Get the elephant all decked up to match your wedding suit and complement it. You can also add a bright umbrella on top of it because Hey! nothing mediocre is going to do for your big day! Forget the ghodi tradition, start your own ‘haathi’ tradition!

Up the Swag With a Speed Boat or Yacht Entrance

ghodi tradition

Remember the second installment of the Hangover movie series? If you do, then you will agree that the speedboat entry that they made towards the end was one of the highlights of the movie. Now, don’t get any wild idea and gatecrash your own wedding and put the lives of those around you in danger, but making a sexy entry on a speedboat (and applying the brakes at the right time) will surely make people talk about it all year or maybe lifelong. You can totally ditch the ghodi tradition for a speedboat baraat!

Recommended Read: The Best Reception Entry Ideas

Let Vintage Cars Do The Talking

ghodi tradition

Vintage cars exude class like nothing else. They stand on their own and can draw eyeballs whenever you get the wheels rolling. Put behind the Ghodi tradition, and go on a ride in a vintage car for the “baraat” and you will surely leave her and everyone else impressed. You will love the traditional and classy feel of the ride too, and your wedding will surely be all the more memorable for it. Apart from the vintage cars, you can also go for a Limo ride, making your entrance all the more elegant.

Go Eco-Friendly With a Bicycle

ghodi tradition

A little out of the way? But well, we all know weddings can be really harsh on the environment. So why not ditch the cars for something that is environment-friendly? Many grooms are taking a bicycle to the bride’s place as a symbol of their support for a sustainable environment. It is not only thoughtful but a wonderful way of making your entry different from the millions of grooms across the country.

Sweep in on a Helicopter

ghodi tradition

Helicopters can never go out of style or fantasy. They will always stand for modernism and class. So, why not make use of this perfect amalgam and make a breathtaking entrance on your wedding day on a helicopter? The roar of it will drown everything else and announce the grand arrival of the groom. Make a statement with your helicopter ride this wedding season!

So, Hey! What’s up? Your wedding goals?



About the Author:

A passionate writer | An intoxicated reader | A connoisseur of good food | Believes in leading an awe-inspiring life earned by self | Can go insane at times, because it’s fun | Life is a bliss | ~ An euphoric soul