Eternal Love Stories – Chitwan and Karan: A Match Made in Heaven

There are times that we tend to forget the power of love. Love gives us bliss and serenity, but sometimes the path is rough as well. When things don’t lead the way we expect them to, giving up becomes the only option. And all we think is probably this wasn’t meant to be. But how can we forget that love is patience? All that is right in this world is love, is being with the one we connect to spiritually. Destiny always takes us there, sooner or later. And this patience leads us to the person we least expected to be with. Chitwan and Karan’s story is about how destiny made them cross paths. Since they were made for one another, they finally ended up together. The blissful couple had their dream wedding on 11th March 2018 in Bareilly.

Chitwan and Karan: Their Eternal Love Story


“There is always a time for everything, and it all feels right.” The first time when Chitwan saw Karan, she never thought he’d be the one she’ll marry. Instead, it was the exact opposite emotion after she saw him zoom across from her on a bike back when she was in grade 9. She completely forgot about him soon before they stumbled across each other again sometime later. Unexpectedly, Chitwan’s car was parked outside the house that belonged to Karan’s cousin. Admitting that she didn’t know how to drive after Karan asked her to move the car, he wanted to help her do the same. After he stepped out of the car, the realization struck her that she was in love.

It’s unbelievable how destiny gives signs about who we’re meant to be with. In 2016, Chitwan found out that Karan was looking for a match from their mutual Yoga instructor. She suggested to her friend for him and took his number. The icebreaker for them was a broadcast message by her on Holi that was unintentionally sent to him as well. Soon they found out their common interest in looking for a match and that they were both registered on the same matrimonial site. Later, Chitwan’s parents received Karan’s Rishta form the site but had to deny it because of their different backgrounds. By then, the couple already knew they wanted to get married.


Something that Karan loves about Chitwan is her similarities to his late father. Being with her made him believe that he got his father back. The emotional and spiritual attachment of the couple was unbreakable. This made Chitwan realize that she doesn’t have to run away from this relationship – he is the right one for her. But the problems caused by the initial denial lead to a lack of faith on Karan’s end to ever have her. Chitwan hoped, rebelled and prayed. “I want my family to agree and I’m sure they will one day.”

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Even though there was this rough patch, she was able to convince her parents to meet him. And they probably couldn’t like him better! After their Roka on 27th January 2018, a Peach color themed wedding celebrated their bond. Every particular detail was handpicked by them, finalized to be pitch perfect. “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri welcomed the beautiful bride as she walked towards the man of her dreams. The fairytale wedding was the beginning of a new phase in their lives, together.


“I was born to be with him,” Chitwan always knew and believed in that. The only happiness in life is to love and be loved. And finding someone who loves us as much as we love them happens when destiny gives you a path to walk upon.  To hold onto what we want is difficult, but never futile. Like this beautiful blessed couple who, from two different people, got to be one heart, and one soul.

Check out their Wedding Teaser Video

Credits – Rolling Arcs



