Candid Photography – Wedamor

Short Description

Taking photos of people when they have no idea that you’re doing. One of the beauties of photographyis being able to catch someone in the act. It adds life to your pictures.

Main Features

  • PreWedding Shoot
  • Candid Photography
  • Wedding Shoot
  • Night Functions


About Fotobar –

Every event experiences infinite moments which are special in themselves. They yearn to make a story out of these moments for you so real, that you can live every special moment, time & again.They’re your friendly neighbourhood miracle workers; living their lives behind lenses and tripods, brimming with an innate passion to capture memories and making a difference with a smile.Fotobar promises you a spunky and candid session of photos and cinematic films that captures your very best, throughout your special day.If you are looking for ideas that go beyond the mundane, choose them.A wedding is the most magical day in the lives of any couple. The beautiful pictures taken on this day helps them to revive and re-live those amazing moments. They love to capture moments that are otherwise unseen like small gestures, little things, emotions and expressions.

